America As 1
America As 1

        Who Pays,We Pay!


Tell the Democrats:

Money doesn't grow on trees,

it actually grows in the cotton fields! 
Next time Vote Republican! 


When we here Government budget or spending who actually pays? Business and corporations? No, they get their money from us! Does the Rich pay? No, they get their money from us! Are you getting the picture?


Does the Money Come From, Trees?

1) Governor Gavin Newsom in East LA to announce $116 and 1/2 million in vaccine incentives. Newsom says while the state is outpacing most of the nation in doses at 37 million, over the past several weeks, the vaccination rate has declined.

.Are we getting ripped off by the companies who sell us their products? Let's see, companies spend billions on advertising on every venue from local newspapers, radio, TV and all factions of the internet. These corporations spend billions on athletes and celebrities to sponsor their products, contribute to organizations that criticize our country and our own way of life. However, it all comes from the same pockets, the American people! That's why we must chose wisely and keep informed on what companies have the ethics of  America at heart. 
People have said that don't boycott, but that won't go to a store or business that have inferior products or service. We don't buy products we don't like, but we'll go to businesses and buy products that are produced by companies who promote a antiAmerican sentiment, which turn around and support the destruction of American values.

Is this one Benefit for being elected to Congress?