America’s Manual for Freedom
The Way We Unite and Win!
This website is not complete and may never be completed until the American People understand, we are the stock holders in this government. We must unite, not fight! The people we elect represent us and our best interests and if they don't, they will be replaced on Election Day. It will only happen if we compromise, stop listening to the media and start listening to eachother. We must unite for a single purpose, for the sake of our country and the future of our children! Make America is about power of the People running the government through free and honest elections while having a government responsible for our needs.
You don't need millions of dollars to win an election. Just be a good leader, listen to the people, and when it comes to important decisions on law and spending ask
us FIRST! In the age of communication
it's easy to do, so keep in touch!
Exercise Your Freedom Before It's Gone!
As an American, I can't apologize for the Civil War, since my ancestors weren't here until much later, but as a Republican all I can say is, Your Welcome!
Under Democrat Socialism this
has already happened to America!
America's Future will only work if we work together!
I can use your help through your input and advice.
We the People are the Problem and now the Solution!
This website was created for the purpose of encouraging the Americans who still believe in peace, love and the principles provided by the Constitution. People who are dedicated to unite and protect this great nation from those who would destroy it for selfish and personal gain.
America as 1 is based on,
Abraham Lincoln's, “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
and, "All Voting is Local." Which means every single one of us
Who believe in The power of the people through our Voice and our Vote!
"We the People," have a
duty, provided to us
by the United States Constitution to elect responsible leaders who will run our government, not our lives. We want those we elect (actually hire) to understand their obligation to the
people, not only in their district, but every American who is effected by their
decisions. Those in office were hired to do the will of all the people to the best of their ability throughout their term of office, or be replaced. No more trillion dollar handouts! No
more refugees legal or illegal when we're accountable to our poor and homeless Americans. No more pork, waste and special interests in the people's
budgets! No more career politicians, you want to keep your
job, Do Your Job! They have to show they're deserving of our trust for another term by doing the will of the people!
What has kept America alive is our honesty, dedication and love of country and always being aware of the obligation to those generations of Americans who will come after us.
We are inspired by "We the People!"
What Does America Mean To The World?
As Americans we have some big shoes to fill. People all over the world look at us as a Beacon of Freedom, of Peace and Hope! This explains it the best, but keep in mind, these people came here following our laws and appreciate America more.
What is in America’s Handbook for Patriots?
Everyone knows something, No One knows everything.
That's how we keep learning and keep moving Forward.
How we Win: The importance of our neighborhoods, our part in it and our responsibility to remind our elected officials, they work for us, we don't work for them and how that is
Government Spending: This starts on the local level and works it's way up. Also, described in How We Win.
Democrats: the History of the Democrat Party is Black History in America.
COVID-19: The Democrats and Media never talk about this who recover, but only talk about Cases and Death. There is more to it through the CDC.
January 6: January 6 and Charlottesville only two conservative protests in 4 years that turned violent, could ANTIFA and BLM have a part in that?
Democratic Socialism: Barack Obama Columbia, Missouri,on Oct. 30, 2008.
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
Government Control: More Control by the Federal Government means less control for States, Counties and Local Government to fulfill our needs.
American Handouts: It's done without our concent. This must change. Don't ask for money until you ask for our approval on spending our money.
Immigration: All we wanted is no more immigration legal or illegal until we take care of our poor and homeless, but Biden and the Democrats disagreed
The Last Slaves: 50 years after slaves were freed through the 13th,14th and 15th Amendments the Children Labor Laws were finally passed!
Law &Order: The Police have been wrongly accused and held accountable for enforcing the laws we the people's elected officials created. So chose you candidates wisely, because the saying," Don't Shoot the Messenger," has become a reality!
There's much more to discover, all intended to inspire, unite and return the United States of America to it's rightful owners, the American People.
If social technology and main stream media was a hammer, this saying would describe liberals.
"If all
you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
We are not a Democracy we're a Republic, but why?
How did all this Happen?
Over the years two changes took place, we're just not sure in what order. Did the government stop talking to the people or did the people stop talking to the government?
Government started ignoring the people and said I'm doing this all for you. While the people started ignoring the government saying we want to be a part of the decision making. The government said,
you don't come to the meetings or contact us with your input. The people said, why come, we sit there and you do all the talking and when we get to the public portion you always defend your actions
or dismiss our comments and move on to your own agenda.
Residents started making the excuse that government was too complicated, I have too much to do to deai with in my life to keep up with the
government, my voice doesn't count so I'll just keep voting the same party or who sounds the best. So, Let the Games Begin! Now we throw millions of dollars into campaigning like we're betting on a
horse race, hoping your party's candidates will cross the finish like first, when there is a simpler and a more productive way.
The Solutions will become clear under, "How We Win!"
So, how important is our vote? We wouldn't go out and buy the first house we see without checking it out and knowing if that home will fit into your life. You wouldn't buy a car, even if you knew what make and model you were looking for without at least kicking the tires. The American people spend a lot of time carefully choosing what they want that will fit into our lifestyle. But, how much time and research does it take to choose someone we believe in to represent us in government? It's much easier and less time consuming to say, I'm a Democrat or I'm a Republican and mark that "X".
Doesn't it seem strange that President Trump was attacked and accused his entire term of a Russian conspiracy with no evidence and yet Joe Biden hides in his basement most of the campaign and gets the most votes ever recorded in American History? However, the American people are now asking themselves. Was my vote actually counted and now the people are looking for answers. This is what the power of the people becomes one voice and the government must respond!
The United States of America
Our Voice, Our Choice and Our Government
This Video was made in 2018 before the election when this
website was created. However, I believe the message
is still appropriate today.
We Ignored Our Government
and Biden & Harris Happened
We forced our elected officials to become politicians by ignoring them, we basically said, We voted you in now leave us alone.
But then we complained about what they did. However, the Democrat Party with the help of a very deceitful media. Took advantage of our lack of attension which now has cost us trillions of dollars and led us in a path of a broken country.
Now is the time to
get back to the American way and follow the Republican Party, and fix America together!
This will happen by returning to the Nation of "We The People," and the Inspiration of President Donald J. Trump, the loyal members of the Republican Party and our love for America and it's future.
Our pledge as Americans Citizens, "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." Abraham Lincoln
We as citizens will ALWAYS be dedicated to preserving the principles set forth in the Constitution. Thanks to President Trump who instilled in us through his patriotism and love of America, by exposing the corruption that has gone on in our country for far to long and who forced that Evil out in the open!
With all the great Americans who came back broken or sacrificed their lives to give us the freedom we now enjoy. We the People still remain silent hiding behind social
media and settling in our personal lives allowing the Democrat to control our government and destroying our lives. This has been true since the conception of the Democrat Party in the late
Our country only asked three things of us. Know the truth about how great America really is through our accomplishments. Use the most powerful weapon the
Constitution ever gave us, the power of the VOTE, and through our right to Freedom of Speech let your voice be heard to the people we hired to represent us in government.
Those who came before us came from Socialism, Communism and tyrannical leaders which became the reason the United States of America exists as a free country and a great country today. It's against our nature to be restricted by government control, but government is a tool to protect serve and provide the needs of the people for the good of all.
We've dismissed and ignored the corruption of
the Democrat Party and their attack dogs in the media, including the internet socialests and allowed them to take away the Freedom of Speech, not only of our President, but anyone who would dare
speak the truth about our government. But then again we won't give up our Facebook and Twitter accounts and move to
the many Patriotic social media accounts that actually fight the deceit, lies that will ban us at any time without warning. However, we won't take the same time to contact the socialist Democrats who don't represent us, but why don't represent the people? Because we keep
your big mouth shut. How can elected officials represent the people if the we are too busy complaining on social media to tell them what we want? If they are there to represent us in government and tell them. Then it's on them to follow our directions and if they don't, Fire Them in the next
That's how the system works! We're NOT supposed to vote alone party lines, we vote for people who will do the job for
When we ignore the government we end up with chaos like we have now. So what does that say about us? Is this what we want to teach our children? To be submissive to the people we elect to represent us? That's why the Democrat Socialests keep winning and will always win! It's time to stop being afraid of our own government! It's time to stand up and take control of our children's destiny!
Some Questions We should be Asking
Q) Do we really know if we're getting our money's worth from our government?
A) We will never know until we research and question the people we elect.
Q) Why do the Rich support the Democrat Party even though Democrats constantly want to raise taxes on them?
A) The rich just pass their tax burden onto We the People will always end up paying their taxes for them!
Q) What's behind the Democrats plan to have a $15 minimum wage?
A) Democrats don't care about a "living Wage, if they did they wouldn't have the worst poverty in their districts. They just want more tax dollars to spend with a little for their own pockets!
Liberals voters say,
How does the Government benefit Me?
Conservitives voters say,
How does the Government benefit the American People?
John F. Kennedy (Democrat) inspired adults and children alike to understand
the importance of their civic duty and public service through his historic words, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” This encouraged a nation to challenge every American to contribute in some way for the betterment of our country through public service. Donald J. Trump inspired the world by challenging every country to become responsible to each other and proved that every
country can be strong and successful by contributing
it's fair share the its neighboring countries. Also, through his inspiration encouraging each government to provide an atmosphere of hope and opportunity for its people to grow and prosper! This way, everyone won't be risking their lives
to come to America.
And then there's President Joe Biden!
Democrats have done their worst
to adopt Socialism
Why would any American support the party of the Trail of Tears, slavery, Civil War, murdering President Lincoln, creating the KKK, voting against the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, government control over Native, Black and poor Americans through welfare programs, which has lead to poverty, drugs, alcohol, crime, violence and death, protecting people who break our laws so they can vote in our elections. Democrats ignored Trump's warning about the Coronavirus because they were too busy going after the president's fake impeachment. Now they hold America hostage by using the Coronavirus through the CDC constantly playing the Karate Kid, Mask on, Mask Off. (Go to COVID for more details).
It is heart breaking to watch the Biden Administration constantly lying, faulse accusations and constanly attacking President Trump simply because the American People elected him!
So how do we do our part to Keep America Great?
The next page," How We Win," will explain in more detail.
Learn how Americans of all races, religions, international backgrounds and political affiliations can stand together to keep America Strong and Constitutionally Safe from corruption.
We will bring back a,
“Government of the People, by the People, for the People.”
Jesse Waters FOX News a breakdown of Biden and the Democrat Socialist Party plan to bankrupt America!
Just like Germany in the 1930s and Hitlers National Socialist German Workers' Party, only those who submit to theis rule will survive!
This is just the beginning of Uniting all States in America based on moral values, common sense, Pride in ourselves in Trump, in or out of office and Love for our country the United States of America as One Nation Under GOD!.
If it is their duty in time of war to fight and die
to keep our freedom.
What is our obligation in time of peace
to keep America free?
It's using the power of our VOTE,
our Voice and using them wisely!
The Pros and Cons of America
Which One are You?
Tamyra Mensah-Stock talked about three things after taking gold: God, hard work, America and now has
become the face of a new generation who will carry the torch of Freedom throughout America. She exemplifies the wish of America.
9/11 and a President
The Democrats united liberal hate to win. Trump, not the Republican Party, united the people of America with love and that’s the way it is supposed to be. Trump understands, in a tog-of-war, sometimes you win by letting go and letting them fail. Now that we know why Biden and the Democrats needed to win, Socialism! It also took a lot of courage for Trump to stand back and watch the destruction of America, but it’s not about a campaign, but the future of a this great country that makes it strong enough to survive. America will come back stronger and more powerful than ever, just like 9/11, We the People are AMERICA!
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Albert Einstein
Next Time, Vote Republican Vote Republican!
I am in need of a Patriot Webmaster and suggestions from Patriotic Americans to help grow America's website. See CONTACT for my email address.
Prediction: By the end of Biden's term there will be only one political party left in America. If we don't start now to
take back our country!
why? The Liberal Philosophy being taught in our schools and higher Education! Example:
The Following is Our Goal, our Duty and
Our Promise to the Future of the
United States of America.
let's Teach Our Children Patriotism!
The United States Declaration of Independence[a] is the pronouncement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1776. The Declaration explained why the Thirteen Colonies at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain regarded themselves as thirteen independent sovereign states, no longer under British rule. With the Declaration, these new states took a collective first step toward forming the United States of America. The declaration was signed by representatives from New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
The United States Bill of Rights comprises the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Proposed following the often bitter 1787–88 debate over the ratification of the Constitution, and written to address the objections raised by Anti-Federalists, the Bill of Rights amendments add to the Constitution specific guarantees of personal freedoms and rights, clear limitations on the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and explicit declarations that all powers not specifically granted to the U.S. Congress by the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people. The concepts codified in these amendments are built upon those found in earlier documents, especially the Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776), as well as the Northwest Ordinance(1787), the English Bill of Rights (1689), and the Magna Carta(1215).
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America. This founding document, originally comprising seven articles, delineates the national frame of government. Its first three articles embody the doctrine of the separation of powers, whereby the federal government is divided into three branches: the legislative, consisting of the bicameral Congress (Article I); the executive, consisting of the president and subordinate officers (Article II); and the judicial, consisting of the Supreme Court and other federal courts (Article III). Article IV, Article V and Article VI embody concepts of federalism, describing the rights and responsibilities of state governments, the states in relationship to the federal government, and the shared process of constitutional amendment. Article VII establishes the procedure subsequently used by the 13 States to ratify it. It is regarded as the oldest written and codified national constitution in force.
The Gettysburg Address is a speech that U.S. President Abraham Lincoln delivered during the American Civil War at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the afternoon of November 19, 1863, four and a half months after the Union armies defeated those of the Confederacy at the Battle of Gettysburg. It is one of the best-known speeches in American history.
One thing the people of the world want most from their government, World Peace.
We want the governments of the world to be good neighbors, get along and no more fighting. Yes, it's human nature to have people who are violent and selfish and we'll always need laws, law enforcement and the military. However on an international level our leaders should bow to the will of the people. We Want Peace and Love with our neighbors near and far and to be, "Happy." Here's The Proof!
The next page, "How We Win" will give solutions on how to fight back against tyranny and Make America Great Again!
(YouTube and websites may be changed, deleated or have advertisements without notification which we have no control
over.The website may be occasionally updated or edited to remain accurate to the best of our knowledge. is not meant to be accepted on its own merit, but meant to inspire the American people to research and decide for themselves how vitally important we are to the functioning of our
government and it's process.
Stay informed and get involved in your government through your knowledge, your voice and your vote.
America as 1 (2018)