America As 1
America As 1

         One Voice ProChoice

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Lifetime of Cure! 
Before we start, we must make it clear, ProChoice is not about Abortion. It's about having the Choice NOT to get pregnant to begin with! Keep this in mind as you go through the reality of the thousands of years of Female history versus the world of politics any government intervention closing in on our natural and religious rights which is taking over future generations.

      Freedom is having the ProCHOICE to decide

        our own fate and the ProLIFE we will lead!

                  Why Prolife is a Myth            
Politics verses Biology 

The first myth of the ProLife movement supposed by the Republican Party is not just their opposition to abortion but their desire to rewrite all we have learned about biology and the laws of nature. The ProLife issue on abortion has turned into a political argument based on their position that, life begins at conception therefore it begins the process and considered human which is partially true. There must be a start for everything with some sort of reaction to begin the process of life. However, the word ‘begins,’ indicates the start, not the process or the conclusion and there's where they go off the tracks. 

The premise of ProLife and its political allies that we are greater than all the other species in nature we automatically becomes a human baby when the egg is furtilized. Therefore, government has the right to supersede the laws of science, biology, medicine and the birthing process. To create their own laws and the actual life process just to fit their narrative and increase their power over it's people . 
Government has this double standard when it comes to death. On one hand if an animal has a incurable illness or an unfixable injury we must Euthanize or kill it humanely so not to see it suffer. Interesting how human is used in that word. On the other hand the government thinks nothing of leaving humans suffering on life support with no chance of surviving on their own. (Look up Terri Schiavo case). Out of all the groups who participate in killing suffering animals is the same people who keep us from meetimg our maker  as a fetus, the United States anti-abortion movement, interesting isn't it?

According to K12 Human and Other Animal Development,” All human and animal embryos go through very similar stages of early development. The major difference appears to be how long it takes to reach each of these same stages. We also know that many of the underlying signals that regulate development are the same between these different species.”

How can we be so much more superior when, "Scientists have sequenced the genome of the chimpanzee and found that humans are 96 percent similar to the great ape species." This just proves in early human development we’re no different than the rest of nature in which  an egg is an egg, an embryo is an embryo no matter what body in nature it is in. This alone should make us realize life and death come to us all no matter what species, how it happens or why it happens is a decision made by a much higher power which will be explained in Where is God On Abortion?


They Really Call it Baby Murder?
Another myth created by the Elephant People and their followers to try to mislead the public by calling abortion murder! Here, they are not only trying to change the definitions of biology, medicine and science but law as well by redefining the word murder! According to the dictionary, murder is,” the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.” While the definition of human being is,”an individual of the species of primate mammal that walks on two feet, is related to the great apes, and is distinguished by a greatly developed brain with capacity for speech and abstract reasoning.” Neither fits the description of a fertilized egg, zygote, embryo or fetus. 
Meanwhile mothers who actually murdered their  children like Susan Smith, Andrea Yates, Diane Downs or  Hyphern Kemberly Dorvilier who set her newborn baby on fire in the middle of the street. Where was the national outrage by ProLife and Republicans all over the nation like abortion has received, but not even a whimper!  It makes one suspect it’s more about politics and government control than concern for a woman's life. Government control over women has always been blatantly obvious throughout American history like the
Comstock Law 1873 and the Seneca Falls Convention.  Especially when it ignores the health, human rights and the emotional well being of every woman who must bow down the the will a government of men! The government givth women the decision to vote and the government taketh away the decision to decide her own future! While government completely ignores the responsibility of man who initiated the pregnancy to begin with.
The bottom line women alone will always have the burden of making the decision which she will reach  through her own circumstances, experiences and the reality of what her future must be. All while relying on her family, friends and medical professionals.  
Republican False Abortion Narrative 
Politicians have been known to ask questions during a Congressional Hearing that will strengthen their point rather than gathering factual information to make an unbiased decision on behalf of the American People. Now when it comes to abortion the Republicans pose this question. 'Is it ok to abort a baby just before birth?'  As usual they ignore the actual meaning of the word baby which is, "a very young child, especially one newly or recently born." 
Unfortunately, the members of the Grand Old Party never knew anything about Roe v Wade they were so anxious to do away with! If the Republicans had checked with the CDC report in 2022 it reads: “The vast majority of abortions occur in the first trimester, Nearly 80% of abortions happen at or before 9 weeks gestation and 93% occur at or around12 weeks.” When the fetus is approximately 2.5 inches long, another myth exposed! Now some Republican states are being forced to taking a look at backtrack from no abortion after 6 week to allow abortion up to 15 weeks. Which oddly enough is what Roe v Wade had already established through the trimester designation for the past 50 years!
The 6 week heart beat is another myth. At six weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound can detect the electrical impulses creating the heart, but a baby’s natural heartbeat is actually detectable with a stethoscope between the 18th and 20th weeks.
In their hurry to deny a women’s rights to a medical opinion. Politicians have never taken into account the emotional and physical trauma of a pregnancy, miscarriage or an abortion. “Miscarriage is the term used for losing a baby, usually prior to week 20 of your pregnancy.” No woman wants to risk her health or her life carrying a dead fetus inside her because the government won't allow an extraction otherwise known as abortion! Refer to: Kate Cox or Late Miscarriage:
The Republicans Expectation of a Woman
This is a quote from Charlie Kirk the young star in the Republican Party and President of Turning Point USA explains to college students where the GOP’s stands on the future role of women in our society. Kirk is going around to college campuses telling students the following:

“The biggest thing is this, more young women need to get married at a younger age and start having kids the single woman issue is one of the biggest issues facing this civilization. We have more single women in their early 30’s that are the most depressed, suicidal, anxious, lonely in America’s history, because there’s a biological clock that’s going off and they realize that they are not gonna be able to have kids and that they’re not as desirable in the dating market and so they start to lash out on the rest of society reject the Simon song of modernity like being a partner at a local law firm actually isn’t that big of a deal. Having three kids is a really big deal and will make you happier and it’s okay to be a stay-at-home in fact we need a lot of stay-at-home moms, and we have miserable women because we’ve been shuffling them into a corporate wasteland when in reality a lot of them don’t find a lot of passion or fulfillment in that line of work a who can blame them?” 
Is the Republican Party saying by their no Abortion laws, stay out of man's business and be a good little housewife tending to the home and children the way God always meant it to be? With only two political parties to choose from, there is no such think as the good guy on either side! 


What has ProLife Accomplished since Roe? 
What does ProLife even stand for? The word life itself is a very general term meaning, “the period between the birth and death of a living thing.” Does this mean everything from save the whales to Climate change is considered ProLife? Even if this movement was just about human life and its rights, they have completely missed the mark.
This is what the great state of Texas who has viciously

 pursued the AntiAbortion case of Roe v Wade which this has been their objective for the ProLife solution to abortion and unwanted pregnancy full term. In 2020 Texas had the highest number of forcible rape cases in the United States, with 13,509 reported rapes Texas was the 8th state in the U.S. with the highest rate of teen births in 2022!
Single mom households: 750,376 (7.9% of all households, #4 highest among the states 2020) About 65,116 unique victims of child abuse reported in Texas, the most out of any state. In that year, Number of referrals made to the child welfare agency 232,662. Percent of referrals that met the criteria for an investigation or assessment 80%! Number of children in foster care in Texas: 29,991. There are an estimated 313,000 victims of human trafficking while approximately 79,000 minors and youths are victims of sex trafficking in the Lone Star State!
Between 2000 and 2023 Texas had 52 School Shootings the highest of any state in that period!  This is Texas solution to Pro Life! 
What about the effects of ProLife all over America? 2021: While technically no longer referred to as orphans, The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption pegs the number of children in U.S. foster care at a staggering 443,000, more than 123,000 of whom are considered to be waiting children available for adoption. On September 13, 2022, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that the United States poverty rate of children in 2021 was 3.8 million living below the poverty line. Since 2022 when Roe was defeated with an overwhelming applause.
Every year in the United States, almost 37,000 children die before their 18th birthday. Where are the ProLife advocates and why are things getting worse and not better in America? Over 96,000 people die from drug overdosed in a year. 72% from Opiods a factor in 7 out of every 10 overdose deaths. Overdoses have killed almost a million people since 1999! Which brings us back the the original question, What does ProLife even stand for? The Republicans in these brutal anti choice abortion states give the American People the same answer the Democrats and their open borders Sanctuary states give us, complete silence or a putrid excuse which only embarrasses themselves and their political party while accomplishing Nothing! You can not be ProLife when in 2020 homicides (doesn't mean abortions);was the second-highest leading cause of death for youth ages 1 to 17 and then act like you give a damn! 

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization 
It's amazing how the First Amendment and the Establishment of Religion Clause was never considered in the Abortion cases. You'd think that, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," would fit right in with the freedom of choice when it comes to abortion. This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion, or non-religion over religion, but that’s what the Republican appointed Supreme Court has actually done by ignoring the First Amendment completely!

Republicans have always defined the United States as a Judeo-Christian country and built on those same  principles and beliefs. The Recent Supreme Court dictated that the rest of the American People must live under those religious directives despite their own religious commitments and beliefs! 
Anyone who was living in the 50s and 60s should be familiar with the Catholic Church's position against abortion which has actually been their order for centuries. So why did 5 Supreme Court Judges choose to take away the 1st Amendment religious rights of millions of ProChoice, atheists, other religious nondenominational groups including independent Christian organizations just to mandate the Catholic Judeo-Christian religious views and how much farther will it force its faith on the rest of America? 
If the women of these congregations are already following their church’s doctrine of abstinence and  antiabortion, this Suprem Court decision will only be effecting the millions of women not subject to the mandate of the Catholic, Christian and Jewish religions. The fact is the Supreme Court in 2022 did not have to take on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and kept Roe v Wade for the rest of the women of the nation and let the church and the medical professions make such an important decision for the future of all women. 
A look at some of the Supreme Court’s on abortion over the last 50 years that confirmed the right to choose. 
1973 — The court legalizes abortion nationwide in the landmark Roe v. Wade decision.
1976 — The court strikes down a Missouri law requiring a married woman to get her husband’s consent for an abortion.
1986 — The court strikes down portions of a Pennsylvania law it said attempted to intimidate women into continuing pregnancies by, among other things, requiring them to be told the risks associated with abortion.
1989 — The court declines to overrule Roe but allows more state regulation of abortion.
1992 — The court reaffirms its decision in Roe and says states can’t ban abortion before viability, the point at which a fetus can survive outside the womb, around 24 weeks of pregnancy. 
And yet it only took five Supreme Court Judges in 2023 to Distroy it all!
Religiously speaking Protestant Congregations because our several  year history of war always considered death as,'God’s Will,'that's why in1973 Roe v Wade passed 7 to 2 in which 6 of the judges were Protestants and 1 Catholic . On the other hand, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization passed 5 to 4 and all 5 were Catholic. This is not an accusation, but merely an observation.
It does seem coincidental that the Republican Supreme Court appointees and the overturning of Roe v Wade was well timed after 50 years and an opportune time for a Republican Election Campaign. While just as suspicious as the COVID breakout in the 2020 election. 
It also seems the political battle is not finished with the Morning After Pill or ‘Plan B being temporarily delayed since the Supreme Court unanimously rejected a lawsuit challenging the Food and Drug Administration's approach to regulating the abortion pill Mifepristone, allowing the drug to stay on the market. That's just until the GOP finds a way to get it overturned. 

The irony of it all is, none of these laws will ever affect the Catholic, Jewish and some Christian Congregations, they have already prohibited contraception and abortion! Even though a pole shows women of these faiths have agreed they wouldn't get an abortion, but believe the choice is up to the woman and her doctor! .


Some Other Myths About Women
* Consensual sex does not mean she wants to get pregnant, unless it has been mutually agreed upon, otherwise it is rape! 
* A period is not just at the end of a sentence. 
* Women do not legally consent when drugged, drunk, threatened with violence or forced into sex! 
* Saying YES, doesn’t make her a whore and saying NO, doesn’t make her a bitch! 
* Most important, girls don’t get themselves pregnant,

An Ounce of Prevention! 
There is only one truth that is clear through the whole abortion issue, but has been ignored by government, law and religion, men initiate the pregnancy!  Even Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit. But still, through the ages, abortion has been a controversial issue that is only left at the feet of the bearer! Only men have the power when it comes to safe sex. Simple, men wear a condom it is 98% effective at preventing pregnancy. Or 100% by an all out retreat before your army has a chance to attack. Unless a mutual agreement to fertilize has been reached before hand!  Men start the process then their part is complete, but it doesn’t mean he should run away from the results! It’s the woman who must suffer through the rest of the pregnancy and beyond. However, one Republican defending ProLife whike talking about a pregnancy said,(paraphrase) but she only has to carry it for a short period of time! So, what about the rest of  both their lifetimes? Of course it's the men who seem to be the most outspoken on abortion. 
According to the ProLife movement are they suggesting married couples should only have sex when they want  to make a child? This seems to be worked for the Catholics all these years. According to an internet search, Christians are most likely out of all religions to get an abortion.  This will be covered in the next topic, Abortion What Would God Do? 
Respect and protect your partner, that’s being a real man, otherwise, keep it in your pants! According to the statistics 88% of porn is about abuse of women from rape the sexual murder. The rewards for this industry comes out to be between $10 to $12 billion a year just in the United States. For those men who equate their image of a woman through the amount of pornography they consume, even the religious ones, it seems there are two ways to explain ProChoice to you. The first was is , "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." The second way, think of a woman as a cup. The man's responsibility to the cup when having a physical relationship is to keep the cup EMPTY,  especially when she tells you she doesn't want to get pregnant. If she does get pregnant now, it's called RAPE! But, It doesn't have to come down to an Abortion, Get it yet? 
So men don't confuse sexual abuse and all the kinky porn you take in, with the reality of making love with your mate. Here's a suggestion, to prevent an abortion how about  getting a vasectomy as a birth control method. 500,000 men get a vasectomy each year in the United States. It's less costly and harmful than an abortion! So, how much do you love her now?
The Bottom Line! The only responsibility a men has  been to his partner it to respect her wish not to get pregnant to protecting her by keeping his sperm to himself. A responsibility he and his ProLife zealots refuse to understand, but then they blame it on her! 

Where is God on Abortion? 
Nothing is more self evident in most religions than the belief through faith gives us that the body must die and the spirit moves on to a better place. For Christians the brutal murder of our savior Jesus Christ the Son of God on the cross and his resurrection back to this world gives us the truth and God’s promise of Eternal Life. However, now the politicians through the government is saying, ignore God’s promise, we can provide all the evil and heartache you future child will need living now and he or she will have plenty of time to be with God later! 
What kind of evil has infiltrated government to belief God the creator of the universe and everything in it can guarantee Eternal Life after our body dies has no power to decide life and death. Especially when God knows the time, the place and the manner God has chosen.  
They say, God does not condone murder and this is true, but we are living in the evil world where murdered is not only allowed, but is a part of this life. That's why God tests us through our faith with a choice. Believe in this Life on earth or have faith in God's promise of Eternal Life with HIM and the freedom of the spirit. It's the fear of death that weakens our faith and feeds the myth that ProLife perception that abortion is an egregious act against God. When in fact, the gift of choice as encouraged by the United States Constitution and our faith through the Holy Bible allows us to overcome the fear thrust upon us by government and false prophits on earth! 

Which is more important, the manner in which our body dies or the promise of Eternal life with God through our spirit? The Bible says (NKJV) "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 
Until now though there were many parts of the scripture that were unclear one in particular stood out,” “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
The attacks by both parties and the Pharisees and Sadducees of todays religious orders has made it clear by telling the world Caesar decides who lives and dies not God. Asccording to Charlie Kirk CEO and chief fundraiser of Turning Point USA the Republican youth power group has said, "We as Christians are called into the public arena to correct error with truth." Mean that the government is now our truth and while the government we elected to protect our freedoms has been slowly closing the door on our most sacred choices. 

Has anyone of the ProLife believers ever considered that in the ProChoice view, miscarriage and abortions is God's way if saying, I am taking these little ones to me since you refuse to take care of and love the ones I have already given you! How many of the unwanted, hungry and abandoned have you taken into you arms and your heart? 
(NKJV) Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” The question becomes, since we know the knowledge of good and evil, by the lesson of Genesis. Our time here on earth is to make the right decisions on which path we will take. The one where we criticize, judge and persecute our fellow man or a life trusting in God through love and compassion for others. Our goal should be to reach the final destination toward Eternal Life in God's Kingdom! As people of faith who aren't afraid to leave this life when we are called? (NKJV) Jesus said it best," “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first! " stop throwing stones with hate and anger and start embracing God's decision and accept the love God gives to us freely!
We have been programmed by this world to mourn over those who die, when we should be rejoicing that their souls will be living throughout eternity with the living GOD. The truth is, there is ProLife a limited time here on this world or our faith to choose ProEternaLife in the safety and glory of GOD's world. Fear Not Heaven's Door! 


What is a Woman? 
The big question lately has become what is a woman? Even though the question is directed toward the transgender community, the way politicians have acted recently it seems they don’t even know themselves! Since the answer is so much deeper than sex and gender, but back to the beginning of human existence itself. The Bible’s says, in Genesis 2:18 (NKJV) And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Comparable the definition being,”of equivalent quality; worthy of comparison.” The truth be told, God created women to be a special person in which the human race depends on her to keep from going extinct. Instead of persecution in this modern age we should be giving them the respect and love of God who created her. 
A society who believes women are only meant to be baby producers, providers and homemakers, whether with her Adam or left alone subject to the responsibility of being a single mother. In most cases her bravery and maternal instinct will kick in despite the pressures of abandonment. 
From the beginning, the relationship between male and female is simple. Men and the government they control should treat women the same way God intended with respect and protect her until she has willingly taken the step to becoming a mother and provider for their child! As complicated as she may seem, she has the amazing power to withstand the suffering of a nine month pregnancy to bring forth a child then turn around and give a loving smile at the end for the gift God has provided for both of you. 
However, God also knows not all women are meant to be mothers. The American Woman now demands the same rights and respect as a man being "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness!” She will never again allow herselve to be forced into servitude to a government as mere baby makers and quietly stay-at- home as wives and mothers as forced to do throughout history for the mere pleasure of man.
Keep in mind, we can not treat the personality of a woman as weakness. History has proven she can easily  the power of a lioness who can and will strike even the most ferocious male lion, because in the pride, her family knows, she is the matriarch! This is why women are amazing creatures perceived as weak in stature, but strong in heart, love and endurance. Because of her physical and emotional makeup, no man will ever be able to endure the levels of happiness and sorrow a woman must live through in her lifetime. The perversion and malicious acts womankind has endured throughout history up to today has always a part of a woman's world, when all she has ever wanted was to be what God created her to be, an equal part of a man’s life, as a mother, sister, wife, friend, coworker that is comparable to man! 
So, Republicans, stop torturing her with your perception a woman should be and allow her to be your equal. Whether it be running a country, major corporation, Congresswoman, governor, business professional, to waitress, secretary or or truck driver. Her contribution to society has never stopped her from the responsibility of being a wife and mother while raising the next generation. 
The truth is, both the United States Constitution and the Holy Bible actually support ProChoice as a basic principle of our Constitution, not only Life Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness, but the freedom to make difficult choices men will never have to make about her body and her future which she calls ProChoice. This goes along with the confidence and strength of faith she has in her religion to know that what has been inside her will be safe and secure either on earth through her loving care and dedication or in heaven in the arms of the Living GOD through HIS promise of Eternal Life! It's never bee about murder or killing but aboir knowing God is real his promises is truth and death is Eternal Life for all those who believe. 
This is why the First Amendment recognized the number one concern of our founders our religious beliefs and know how important it is. God is love in any language or tradition as well as the faith in knowing our final destination of all living things is God. It's bothing to be afraid of, but knowing what we call death is not the end, but the promise of a wonderful new beginning! This is a woman's world and as far as her body goes the only conclusion to her freedom is, Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law, which God gave her that responsibility from her own conception. 
Be Careful Who We Vote For
How can the people we elect and give our loyalty and trust to protect us in their great wisdom reward rape and incest forcing our wives, mothers and daughters to keep that pregnancy? How evil can a government to condemn girls to be pregnant with her own brother or sister just to please her Daddy! Or, the horror of being kidnapped, beaten into submission and forced into unspeakable acts of rape by one or more men. Then being sentenced and condemned by a government with 9 months of hell while not knowing what sexual diseases she has been given or physical damage these animals have done to her. As well as not knowing if the fetus she is carrying is physically deformed, healthy or end up as a miscarriage when 1 out of 4 known pregnancies end up that way, which is known medically as a spontaneous abortion. Or as the Republicans and ProLife call it spontaneous Murder? 

This abortion ban only becomes a life sentence to the woman by law with no chance of appeal. These are the people we keep electing over and over again until they believe they are invincible on Election Day! 

The fact that ProLife women turn a blind eye to realizing the fact that even their girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter or neighbor are not amuned to these abortion laws and the possibility of forced or even concentual sex can lead to an unexpected pregnancy. In which the man who is the giver faces no consequence for his action or obligation to the receiver and eliminates the choice of providing a safe haven for the unborn in the arms of God. An average of children ages 1 to 14 dying each year in the United States is around 10,395. Many were preventable, but not importent enough to stop adding more child fuel to that fire. 

America must understand every time government steps into your life it effects everyone's future especially your own children. On June 30, 2022, a ten-year-old girl from Columbus, Ohio, who was raped twice at nine years old, traveled to Indiana to get an abortion because the Republican abortion law in Ohio did not allow abortion on a late pregnancy. The government is warning all citizens who are targeted under these laws there are no exceptions! 

Another myth, the Government is telling women young and old through the abortion laws, all pregnant women will be good responsible mothers. If not, the same government will arrest and punish you with jail! This is easily changer forever on Election Day, by who we choose to represent us because Our Voice means Our Choice! 
One Voice Pro Choice
Election 2024 can be a new start to the America the authers of the Constitution imagined. The two political parties has dangerously divided the American People and there is only one response. We the People have the power to keep incumbents who have erned our respect. However, we have an obligation to elect new candidates to replace those who have failed us. This includes independent home grown candidates who know who we are and what we need. Keep in mind, every election brings us that much closer to a government promised us by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19,1863  "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." That must be our goal, our promise and our legacy to future generations. 

We the People, have always had the power to control the future of our nation by using our voice, our choice and our vote. Since all votes are local, we must choose wisely when deciding who will represent us in our local, county and state governments.
The only exception is the presidency which requires the votes from all states. In the 2024 election Donald Trump already has a proven record through his past accomplishments which are Right Here! See for yourself! But has also said even though he's ProLife the federal government wlll not step iin on abortion since the Supreme Court has made it clear the authority is a state responsibility.
The main objective of the United States Constitution is simple. Our Government was created, not to tell us what to do, but for the people to tell our government what we want done! So starting now in this historic year, leading to the next several elections, let us stand up and all agree to vote for a brighter future, by electing candidates who will work for us, not a political party and let's do it together! 


Our Main Focus, Target the AntiAbortion States

First, The goal for this election is to focus on the evil profoundly immoral and wicked antiabortion states and change the politics in the government to save a woman's right to healthcare and abortion services. These are Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia. 
The next step is to unite by contacting all ProChoice organizations and independent groups no matter how big or small. Finalize your plan of action, including an operation central for each organization as well as state and local stations or neighborhood hubs for handouts, receive and make calls provide information on inquiries. It would help to set up grid for each state and decide who will be responsible for that area. 

Even though money is needed, you can save costs through the good old fashioned shoe leather coupled with a blitz on social media ans especially YouTube videos explaining how inplrtane government intervention is to restricting our freedom. We must organize our supporters so everyone is on the same page. Encourage people who would like to be candidates to represent the people, then go out and spread the word, the idea and the plan!

We have to stop listening to the same promises and getting the same answers, election after election.We want solutions, not the same old political nonsense that we hear over and over every election cycle and stop kidding ourselves that things will get better with our two choices, but start thinking outside of the box. In other words, think of the possibilities, think about the future America and most of all, think for yourself! 



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