When we organize our own spending we have to balance our spending with our income and expences. This determines what we can afford while what we owe. We
constantly have to decide what we want against what we can afford to spend which means it won't always be the best product or service. This is where the government has the most difficulty and we
end up footing the bill. This section is a way for the American People to voice their opinion.
This is where our decisions can cost more or save us a lot. I invite you to send a government expense that is completely rediculous and your solution to their
action. It may be Don't spend the money to here's a less expensive alturnative. But this is what happens when we don't pay attention to our money and our government.
Of course, we can fill a million pages with this subject, but there is a more effective way. We have to, as a group send the same information to the elected officials to which this proposal came from. This includes all levels of government, from the local level to the Federal Government. Why should 5his be done? We have to get used to, as the voter, taxpayer, resident and especially an American Citizen, to tell our representatives on all levels we rule them through our vote. There's no more you rule us! In politics, silence from the people is a Yes Vote for them! No more silent majority!
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This isn't just a Democrat or Republican problem.
This is an American Voter problem! America is our business and when we ignore our business Politics is what happens!
Here’s what Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats held America's sick and dieing hostage demanding unnecessary provisions to be put into the $2 trillion Coronavirus stimulus bill that was originally $1 trillion! With things like:
1. Corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards at companies receiving assistance
2. Bailing out all current debt of postal service
3. Required early voting
4. Required same day voter registration
5. 10 billion to bailout student loans
6. For companies accepting assistance, 1/3 of board members must be chosen by workers
7. Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining
8. Full offset of airline emissions by 2025
9. Greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights
10. Retirement plans for community newspaper employees
11. $15 minimum wage at companies receiving assistance
12. Permanent paid leave at companies receiving assistance
Who thought corn would be a problem. only when we pay for it twice, thanks to our government!
Here's a FOX Business Report from November 30, 2021 on Government spending which the rich won't pay for since they'll be passing it off to YOU and me!
Living proof we spend our money better than government spends our money. How do we change that? Voting for people who respect the American People and our money. No more career politicians unless they deserve it. We are the investors in America, they are hired (elected) to work for us!
Democrat Socialist Say, "Pay Your Fair Share!"
knowing their Fair Share will be passed down to us!
How much does it cost when the President travels.
The Biden Administration dictates that healthcare workers must be fired if they didn't get vaccinated even though they worked with the injured and sick through 2019 and 2020 without a vaccine.
Besides, now we're find8ng out what these people already knew. Mask or no mask, shot or no shot, COVID can still get you and for most of us, it's not deadly.
Then Biden's government has destroyed needed medical supplies through incompidence and lack of leadership. This should give us some idea why our
store shelves are empty and prices are rising.
Do you even if this is happening in your state, county or municipality? One municipality spent millions of dollars on a recreation football field and soccer fields, including lights and a refreshment stand as well as upkeep by the municipality which no one uses all winter long and only on a few home games during the season the kicker, there are several areas that were available including two soccer with lights constructed years before. How are things in your state down to you town government? Bet you don't know do you?